Sumimasen Sensei. I have traveled far to visit with you.
There is silence. What do I see? A stone with a story. I tough the stone. I see a Tree, I hear a Raven.
The Raven speaks to me, "Look beyond the stone."
I touch the tree. Energy is radiant around us.
"Do you feel the suffering?"
Yes Sensei, how long will you wait.
"Till they all find the path."
What if they cannot learn the path, Sensei?
"Teach it with simplicity. All living beings are connected."
What if they cannot afford the teaching, Sensei?
"Teach it anyway. The enlightenment was given to be shared. Humanity is connected.
There is a path of simplicity. It is meant to be taught. We cannot go it "alone."
Energy is sent to all who are connected with me from Saiho-ji Temple; Tokyo, Japan, May 21, 2010.
In gratefulness for the opportunity to share a journey.
In thanks for the help which I have received and continue to receive.
Thanks for bringing us along on your journey!