I have been trying to explain, in as simple a way as i can, the concept of "Sacred Space." It is the essence of what we do in Reiki.
We take a moment, and ground ourselves in our Earth, and reach into Spiritual Space, to connect to the lifeforce that sustains all living things.
And how exactly can one explain what that means? It is so near to us - but seems so far away and mysterious.
And so i think of two of the most popular movies of all time. In "Saving Private Ryan," there is a scene where an old man, flanked by his family, walks along the rows of graves at Normany, until he comes to the grave of the man who died saving his life. How did they become connected? Why did one life end, and another go on? What does it all mean? These men met for but a brief time in this tumultuous movie, but, for the one character life ended, and for the other, a moment, a "Sacred Space" occurred, that he would carry within him all the days of his life.
The other movie that comes to my mind is "Titanic," and love it or not the song by Celine Dion, is one of the most popular of all times.
"Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on"
A young women and man meet, and they connect in an incredible way. And he dies. She lives a meaningful life, but we see her now as an old woman. She is brought back to the place in the ocean overlying the sunken Titanic. All her life she has hidden a jewel of immense wealth, and she throws it into the Ocean. She has carried more than a physical jewel her whole life. She has carried a memory, a "Sacred Space" that has lived on within her.
These are just movies. But they represent for so many people, what we take for granted because we see it on a Hospice unit each and every day. People honor us by sharing moments, and they share thoughts about their lives. We find wisdom every day in places we did not expect. And what Reiki does, is simply help us to listen, ground ourselves in our Earth, and listen to that portion of what we are being told that is Sacred. It is that about a person's life which rises above the Earth, and connects which the Spiritual essence that is central to a human being.
We have the opportunity to create and share Sacred moments every day. We can connect with other Human beings, and, these moments do not have to last forever or even for long to be meaningful.
Our Spirits indeed do go on.