Many books on Reiki talk about Level 1 students practicing Reiki on their animal friends, and no doubt, Dogs love the attention and love the energy. But can a Dog give Reiki to a human?
Here is what a co -worker wrote to me, "I believe that dogs have souls too, and their presence throughout my life has brought great healing to me."
Well -- we may need to separate here between Reiki Ryoho, or Reiki as a "method," and the energy that Reiki touches. There are many traditions, and methods, and they all touch upon the same "energy" or "life force" that is common to all human beings, and very likely to all life.
Certain things seem to touch our souls, and examples are music, unconditional love from animals, and other people just being in connection with us.
One of the saddest things we do on a hospice unit is compassionate extubation. This occurs when a patient has been placed on a ventilator, with the hope of reversing a condition, and it becomes all too clear that nothing short of a miracle will cause reversal, and that continuing the machine not in the patient's interest.
Recently, we had a mother beyond saving, on a ventilator, and a family decision had been made to remove the machine and the breathing tube. Her two children were present, they were young and they were sobbing. As so often happens, after stopping the machine, transition did not occur right away. The children had been playing with our units "therapy dog," Sashi, and Sashi came with them and sat with them as everyone waited. For 45 minutes Sashi sat still as the family stroked her fur, she did not move except to lick their hands. Her owner, our social worker, describe to me that "Sashi bore witness to and absorbed their grief in such an organic, tactile, primal way that few humans could do."
This week, a sad event occurred and Sashi was temporarily banished from our unit. One staff member wrote to me in anguish, "I feel heart broken - like an appendage has been amputated from my body and soul. She is an integral part of our team and loves everyone." Another staff member emailed me, "she is the most well-behaved, well-mannered, well-trained dog that we have come to enjoy and care for. She not only helps bring a smile to the faces of patients and their families, but to the staff as well."
Fortunately, Seasons Hospice has one of the most caring, compassionate, forward looking owners in the world. Marcia was one of the pioneers in bringing music therapy to Hospice, supported a Reiki Policy and Reiki program, and upon explanation of how important this "soul" was to the patients and the Team, over-ruled concerns that had been raised about animals on units, and reinstated Sashi.
Unconditional love can bring great joy. When we look at the 5 basic principles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, a) do not worry just for today b) do not be angry just for today c) be grateful just for today d) work hard just for today and e) give kindness to others - Sashi had manifested all of these.
I suppose - she had not learned the basic hand positions, or breathing or grounding techniques, but she brings to each moment unconditional love, and creates a "space" in which worry and anger cannot occur.
Somewhere, there are Hospices where Music therapy is not considered essential, where Reiki Masters must "take off their badges," and where animals are not allowed.
I am thankful that i am working for Marcia, and for Seasons Hospice - where all these "modalities" are part of our everyday life.
And just for this moment, i want to give thanks that we have our Therapy Dog Sashi, i will leave it to others to determine whether there is "scientific evidence" to prove that "pet therapy helps," or what "Level" in Reiki a Dog can (or cannot) attain - just for today - i am grateful that our unit has Sashi.
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